Friday, December 4, 2009

Legends of Japanese Rock 'n' Roll Cinema

Sorry for the holdup. I've been stalling on some very cool articles that I've had brewing. Let me just cut right to it.

Following my series about great voices from the Japanese music world, I'd like to share with you a topic that I find even more compelling, Japanese Rock 'n' Roll Cinema. Some of my all time favorite films come from this genre and in fact, a few of the flicks on this list are my inspiration for taking up Japanese and coming here.

In Japanese Rock Cinema, rock 'n' roll is more than just music, it practically takes on the status of a cult deity. In some of these films, the effect is comical and kitsch, in others, this deification of rock 'n' roll is an effective element of the plot. The more serious films on this list portray music and passion in a way that is more honest and more direct than any Western film that I can think of.

For anyone who has ever picked up a guitar, taken a road trip to see their favorite band, or felt the energy of a hungry crowd while taking the stage, I think you'll find something in this list that you'll relate to.

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