Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wise Words

I've been a lonesome cowboy up until last evening and was feeling quite a bit of solitude. While riding the train to Shibuya, I dreamed up a list of the best advice and most inspiring words that I've ever heard.

1) "If you don't have anything, they can't take anything from you." - Brian Robinson, manager of the YSO
2) "Be reckless." - Prof. John Szwed, my Avant Garde Jazz and Film Noir professor from Yale, a super accomplished academic who researches all things hip.
3) "C'mon, it'll be an adventure." - Anonymous. I can't remember who said this to me, but with the "A" word, they easily enticed me into doing something that I didn't want to do.
4) "You're practically glowing." Shivon Zilis upon learning a month ago that I had plans to jump ship and head to Tokyo.

I'll keep this list going as I recall more wise words.

What are the most valuable words that you've ever heard? Please, add them to the comments section!!!!!!

I'm getting f'clempt. Talk amongst yourselves....


Tae-Yeoun Keum said...

"Go jump on Robby's bed."
- Ethan Green

Reuxben said...

"You never know what you can do unless you try."
- John Henry (Roger Aaron Brown) in "Tall Tale"

"100 percent of the people who don't apply don't get in."
- the Yale minority-recruitment guy, whose speech made me believe I could definitely get into Yale

"Garry Trudeau got into S&K because he came from old money and went to the right boarding school.

"Getting into S&K today isn't much different."
- Anonymous comment, but strangely reiterated to me by Lucas J., JE'10, consoling me when I didn't get tapped and consequently changing my views on it all


"this is the best thing I've ever seen in the YDN. Fo realz. Keep it up."
- Anonymous comment, but my first "review," which always helps keep me going when I start to doubt myself